Betrayal, Greed and Other Fun Facts!

March 08, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Betrayal-you’re likely to go through this at some point.

It has equal application in every type of human activity, whether it be medicine, religion, the arts, business and so on.

We may not understand why some people do what they do, or their apparent lack of values and standards, but that's what they do.

It's also why the maxim that a good personal relationship will not necessarily be a good business relationship, unfortunately has been proven true again and again.

It's just basic human psychology, short-term, “want”-driven, thinking at work with a seemingly unwillingness to consider the long term results, including the potential loss of friends and family.

Sports are an apt analogy; some players will always try to cheat, to hurt an opponent when the referee isn’t looking. For them, it’s just part of the game, another weapon to attain their goals.

You can’t afford the luxury of letting these types of distractions affect you. You’ll lose concentration and confidence at critical times and not pay attention to what you need to do, putting them that much further ahead. Do you really want to let them succeed through these kinds of tactics?

It’s important to remember that you also shall encounter many fine and outstanding people; that’s why it's important to maintain your focus and balance.

Here is a wonderful quote that has steered me through more than a few of these situations:

"…even the good character who has not suffered any actual … betrayal, lives always with the risk of these events…and it is in the nature of personal friendship that the confidence man should be indistinguishable from the trustworthy…there are no guarantees at all…To live on is to make contact in some way at some time with the possibility of betrayal…But the encounter with betrayal brings a risk of defilement: the risk of ceasing to look at the world with a child’s free and generous looks, of ceasing…to be good…There is a beauty in the willingness to love someone in the face of love’s instability…There is no courage without the risk… of serious damage…There are certain risks- including here, the risk of becoming unable to risk- that we cannot close off without a loss in human value, suspended as we are between beast and god, with a kind of beauty available to neither."

Martha C. Nussbaum
The Fragility of Goodness


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